Out with the Old and In With the New

Hey everyone, my name is Eric Schleicher. I just recently graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Corporate Communication. If you want to know more just post it down there and ill get back to you! This blog is about my passion for Marketing and PR. Check out my ideas on how PR is changing before our eyes!

Make sure to check back for "Thinking Thursday" where every Thursday I post a fun and interesting question about Marketing, PR, social media, etc. LEAVE YOUR RESPONSE IN THE COMMENT SECTION!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

A New Set Of Rules...

So what does it mean? "A Different Look into PR" To me, it's about establishing a new set of guidelines to follow. A new blueprint to the ever changing practice of marketing/PR. So what are these new guidelines? Well, for one, instead of causing one-way interruption, PR practitioners need to realize that they need to deliver their content at just the precise time their consumer wants it. Think about it. When you are watching television what is it that annoys you the most? It's those one-way commercials that cause you to change the channel. How about when you are online searching for something to buy? I've never seen sooooo many pop-up ads that try to get your attention by trying to sign up for a credit card, or explain about their no interest financing. I got news for you, they already have my attention; why do you think I am here in the first place. Instead of this, how about trying to give the consumer what they what....valuable information that they can use at the time they want it. Another new idea that practitioners need to realize is the idea of marketing to an untapped audience via the web instead of marketing to the mass. By doing this, you are able to tap into a bigger audience a lot faster!

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