Out with the Old and In With the New

Hey everyone, my name is Eric Schleicher. I just recently graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Corporate Communication. If you want to know more just post it down there and ill get back to you! This blog is about my passion for Marketing and PR. Check out my ideas on how PR is changing before our eyes!

Make sure to check back for "Thinking Thursday" where every Thursday I post a fun and interesting question about Marketing, PR, social media, etc. LEAVE YOUR RESPONSE IN THE COMMENT SECTION!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Rules of PR have Changed

Traditionally, PR has been a small part of the overall marketing picture. However, with the introduction of the Internet and social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, and online blogs, PR practitioners must take a new approach to facilitating a message, product or service. The face of PR is changing as I speak. Now, marketing and PR is blending together. Think of it as Marketing Relations. One advantage that Marketing Relations has over the “old” marketing or “old” public relations is that it takes full advantage of social media. Social Media is a tool that needs to be taken advantage of by ALL companies. It is the fastest and most economical way to communicate with a broad and diverse network of consumers. No more sending out countless press releases only to get rejected by the editor because he received hundreds in the last two hours. No more dumping millions of dollars into pointless advertising through television, radio, print etc. No, the rules have changed! Instead, use a blog to advertise a new product, create a Facebook page to send a message. You’re able to reach millions in just a matter of minutes!


  1. Social media is definitely a great way to reach a large audience, but I don't think it should be used by ALL companies. The decision for a company to use social media should be based on whether or not it can reach its audience using social media.

  2. The media is still a very important aspect in publicity. They are the roots and the backbone of how marketing and PR shaped into what it is today. However, with the new social media tools that are available, I feel companies should utilize the benefits it provides. This is not to say that corporations should drop their marketing/PR tactics currently in place. Instead incorporate aspects of social media into their plan that they currently have in place.
